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Cynthia Hickey

Having grown up in a family of storytellers, I can’t imagine doing anything but what I’m doing…Giving voice to the characters in my head.

My maiden name is Melton, and I grew up in the foothills of the Ozark mountains in Arkansas. Being an army brat, I grew up in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Germany, before finally settling in Arkansas when I was ten.

My husband and I now live in Arizona with the youngest of our seven children. We are a true your’s, mine, and our’s blended family. Three of our children are “chosen” and we love them dearly. One of my favorite parts about being a parent is embarrassing my children in front of their friends! Oh, and letting their friends know I kill people for a living.

I write inspirational novels under my married name and general market novels under my maiden name. Both books are clean enough that I don’t turn red when my mother or one of her friends say they’re going to buy my book.